I am a terrible student!
Seriously, being a student (again) is something I'm not good at. Did I mentioned to you that I'm a big procrastinator? Well, I only have class on weekend, and I have plenty of time to make myself ready for the next class or do revision on the Chapters that we have covered. Its already Thursday!, I haven't finish reading all the past 4 Chapter, not to mentioned I skip Chapter 1, because Legal framework is kinda boring topic for me. What with mens rea? or onus? or "practicable acceptable"? or "without a reasonable doubt"? these are new legal term for me as to understand the importance of the field of my study.
Yesterday, my brother told me me that there's new post awaits for me in papua.. What I need to do is, to pass this examination on the 15, 16 and 17 December 2007! How if I didn't pass? Haven't thought of that possibilities. My aim now is to get thru this course. And My sisters were planning to celebrate Christmas this year here in Miri Town. I was kinda looking forward to drive crossing Brunei and Limbang to reach Lawas. Now... everyone will be flying here! no chance for me going back than. Well, this is just in the planning process as need to buy ticket for my parents and my younger sister with a couple of niece.
Yesterday I was at my sister Susan new rented house. Its a double story and a single standing building which they are asking for RM750 rental only! You would never find such big and cheap rental in Kuala Lumpur! My super economy flat rental is rm450! and add additional rm300 to get a big house like that.. not In KL.
Oh gee.. I must continue my revision. I haven't done any exercise even! Gosh... I only have today and tomorrow! I have only myself to blame.. Been preoccupied myself with the internet, Computer Games, Watching movies with my nephew. Oh I have to call Seth? Sept? My cousin's Son. He wanted to meet me. Last I meet him was like 9? 8 years ago? and He was just a young boy. And he's now in a College! When I spoke to him on the phone yesterday, he sounds different! well, I cant remember how her sounds like.. man.. anyway... gtg.
Will write again soon.. Be safe!
You're so lucky... job awaiting you after your study. Hey, study hard and get over the exam...
All the best to your study and take care... :-p
Yeah.. I know. ;p
I'll try... my head are getting rusty already.. hehehehe. all the best to you too!
Place some lubricant into your head and get the engine working lah!...
A strong mind starts with a fit body.
Sound familiar? hehehe...
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