I may go on forever about my blog title and bored you to every 101 ideas I may come up of this blog but lets face it, who actually read this? I shall than shorten them with my nick name describing what is all about and who this belongs to.
At last! I got the pictures ready. This is my favourite picture.. the four of us-travelling companions; TZ, Richard, Ian and myself!
To bring you to the place... here's a video cam I captured right after I reach the top. The background sounds.. it's me.. being out of breath, the wind and the other tourist up there that time. Will post some beautiful picture of myself when I got the time.
If you want to see more.. I had put some pictures in my Facebook account and flickr to share with. Cheers
The entries I post or the opinions I express here are mine alone, and do not in anyway represent the views of any other. Reliance over such information is baseless though integrity of information is maintained to my knowledge are true at that point of time.
Paralympian British surgeon cleared to go to ISS
[image: ISS. Photo: NASA (public domain)]
A gold medal-winning British Paralympian has been medically cleared to go
to the International Space Station and ...
[PENANG] 粥记 Chok Kee Porridge Cafe @ Lebuh Cintra
For decades, the legendary Pork Intestine Porridge stall at Kimberly Street
has been a cherished spot for locals and tourists alike. Known for its
rich, ...
Is Ozempic, Saxenda, Wegovy right for you?
This is not the sexiest health/fitness topic but I needed to share a
disturbing trend now sweeping through Malaysia. … arriving from Hollywood
to Malaysia...
Summer in New Zealand
Tolerably earnestly middleton extremely distrusts she boy now not. Add and
offered prepare how cordial two promise. Greatly who affixed suppose but
Code Blue
There's actually more to us than just being the casual gas man at work.
Over here in these parts, your friendly neighbourhood anaesthetists also
wear anot...
Reappeared of TZ LIFE in bangkok
September getaway in Bangkok with friends has brought out my memory of the
period of tz-life.blogspot.com....
Many years has gone by and my blog has put ...
Kraf Kulit
Sejak keluar kisah beg-beg tangan mahal di media, aku mula membuat carian
di Youtube tetang brand yang tak pernah aku kenal tetapi harganya sangat
Can I Eat Oysters While Breastfeeding
“Can i eat oysters while breastfeeding?” Is the question of many mothers
after birth. So, in the article below, Pjmommy.com will answer this
question so ...
Cium Tangan
Buat pengajaran wahai isteri-isteri. Hati-hati jangan sampai terjadi macam
ni walaupun usia dah 50an.
Timah tiap hari pergi kerja suami hantar.
Semalam su...
Valentino Spring Summer 2018 Fashion Show
Bonjour Paris! We’re on the final stretch of the Spring/Summer 2018 women’s
collections. Today is V-day! As always, don’t forget to tune in today,
October ...
Come On Over!
Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes is my new book blog, hosted by Wordpress. I
also have a personal blog, Into the Light, Surprised, where I post my
thoughts on...
OSIM Sundown Marathon 2016
"If you are losing faith in human nature, go out and watch a marathon"
Kathrine Switzer women's marathoning pioneer They called it the Sundown
Marathon, b...
♬ One More For The Road ♫
It’s quarter to three There’s no one in the place, except you and me So set
’em’ up Joe, I’ve got a little story, you oughta know We’re drinking my
friend ...
Sewa Mobil Cirebon di sewamobilcirebon.co.id
Kenapa harus memilih Happy Car Rental untuk menyewa mobil?
Mungkin itu yang ada di benak anda ketika ingin menyewa mobil di tempat
kami. Keuntungan yang dip...
Proof of Najib's Guilt?
*"There's letters seal'd, and my two schoolfellows,Whom I will trust as I
will adders fang'd—*
*They bear the mandate, they must sweep my way*
*And mars...
An Open Heart
Last night at a family christmas party I met some new people some very cool
others I'm not sure about. Let me explain this one lady came up to Riley
and I ...
Top 5 Superfoods
First, let’s get something out of the way – the term, ‘superfood’ is more
or less marketing vocabulary – a term used to help sell certain nutrient
dense pr...
The past 6 months in review
Hey!! It has been almost a year since the last time I posted . . . and what
a truly crazy year it has been. We headed back to the states last May and
2 years from 2012 ...
Been awhile since I wrote in this blog ... a lot of people were migrating
to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram ... etc ... somehow the blogs have kinda
I found faith in my heart
All alone in a world of confusion
Like a pinball I've bounced from town to town
Though at times I could find a little comfort
No true happiness was found
Several Shades Of Tan At The Waterpark
Close family friends joined our kids for a swim at the much loved new Lumut
Liang Recreational Club waterpark last week. It was a few hours of fun for
Judas Asparagus
Through the eyes of a child:
The Children's Bible in a Nutshell
In the beginning, which occurred near the start, there was nothing but God,
darkness, and ...
A post a day!
I am really surprised to see blogs out there that post at least once every
day. Blogging takes time and effort, and to take out time every day from
one's s...
How to create Tiny Planets on the iPhone
One of the most friequent questions I get asked on my blog is how I create
my Tiny Planets. Tiny Planets are commonly referred to by there technical
name, ...
Coromandel Town to Auckland Ferry
This finally concludes my posts about this first trip I took when I first
came to Auckland. FINALLY. I took this trip in the tail end of January and
I'm on...
The suffocating mist was finally getting to me, but I had every reason to
stay on, in this damp, dark corner. For once I thought I had found myself
in th...
After a Long Time Away from Blogging
Artist's rendition of the new campus, to be ready in 2014 *Changes*
It's been more than two years since I posted anything here. Lots of changes
since then...
Cold can cause back pain!
So I've been having a slightly sore back for a while, maybe a week. I
didn't think much of it because it was at the most annoying and it wouldn't
bother me...
Becky Nights
I just can’t get enough of Becky Nights Podcast, a show for the beckies and
beckies at heart! They talk about gay-themed topics like Beaucon (Beauty
What is Octopus?
Have you ever wondered what you would do if you were infected by a deadly
sexually transmitted disease?What if you have exposed your loved ones to
the dead...
Update in a long long time
its been a while since i last updated.
what had happened in between my last update?
let me see..
Happy for a bit, sad for a bit, happier for a bit, sadd...
Pesta Babulang 2010
Pesta Babulang is a traditional Bisaya Festival, celebrated right after the
Gawai Dayak. Bisayas from all over the country would congregate in Batu
Danau, ...
I Haz Moved!
Hello everyone!Yes I have finally done it. After all the egging from
everyone else... I have moved to timothytiah.comCheck there for updates
from now on.ww...
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! and my sincere apologies...
i am so so sorry that i havent written in here in what, 3 months? ive just
been so busy, one thing after another, and whatever little break i have
whether ...
Happy chinese new year
It took me three attempts to log into this. It really shows the length of
time i'm off.
The year has come and gone, but the chinese says, 7th or 8th Februar...
Pork Wonderland
One really great thing about being in East Malaysia is that people here do
not meddle into other people business much, they are rather open minded and
So three years ago (not to the day, but damn close) I pulled my head out of
the hole in the wall into which I'd rammed it and fell into a fitful sleep.
Malaysia Care 30th Anniversary Celebration!
If you love to serve the Community, this is an event you do not wanna miss!
All Together now everybody....One, two three: EPIC FAIL!!! LULLLLZZZZZ
* This Post is dedicated to All chatters at KSCB*
Hello… and Goodbye!
Hello friends- As you can see after much difficulty and frustration, I got
Scott-O-Rama.com back online finally with a spiffy new look (if I can say
so mys...
~~ Grilled Fish~~
It's been a longgg time since my last update to the blog ... been busy with
work and stuff...
Today I just feel like to cook, make a nice fish dish. So I we...
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