Friday, June 02, 2006


Here are some interesting pictures that I received from thru my e-mail.

Picture 1: Say this is the Superman (teenage'version.. very naive one). His bike must be Superpowerfull too Right? Yeah I know this picture is fake... i'm not that naive.. lol

Picture 2: A statue of Jesus Crusified, placed on a highway shoulder facing the open ocean. Isn't that beautiful? Noticed that its from the National Geographic? used of this picture is without their shoot me ;p

I was pretty down yesterday, without reason. I was easily upset/angry when my colleague keep asking something which is already known. I was being mean when I pretended didnt hear her.. and when I answered, I have this intonation.. like saying "da... how many times do you have to ask?" kind of tone.. And I was very very not in the mood to blog.. I dont know

Its been awhile I didnt hear from Archie and Dean.. maybe thats why how I was yesterday. usually, Archie and Dean would be online,daily, and would say hi to me even when I'm busy. Even, they'll sms me when I'm not online. I have no idea what happens to my dear Philipino friend Archie, I know that my American pal Dean have problem with his Computer... but why does it have to that long? Hope they doing alright.. I kinda miss their constant harassing me when I'm at work.

Ok, for tonight CIS, we have a task to memorize some verse from the bible. I choose the Ephesiens 4: 4.. let me try to recite it here.. ok, its start with "..." ok I need to look at it first.. hehehe. ok ready! "there is one body and one spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling, one Lord, one Spirit, one babtism; One Lord and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.." Ok Ok.. I confess I cant remember it yet... thats why I have to look at it. I need to meditate it.. MORE obviously.

(making a mental note: TGICSIF-ThankGodItsChristianSinglesInternationalFriday)

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